18 Best Place to Visit in Sumatra Indonesia

Minda Tour

18+ Best Place to Visit in Sumatra Indonesia

Have you visit or go travel or Holidays in Indonesia, or Bali Indonesia?

Bali isn’t Indonesia, and Indonesia wasnot just only Bali. There were many place like Bali. Like a Tiny Teenager Virgin Girl, Like The Beautifull Girls so amazing so beautiful.

If you ever visit Bali Indonesia, this is 18+ Beatutiful Place to Visit in Indonesia.

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18+ Best Place to Visit in Sumatra Indonesia

Here are the 18+ Place to Visit in Sumatra Indonesia

  1. Aceh, why you must visit this place? This is the Place where you’ll see the Tsunami Effect
  2. Medan Nort Sumatra, You may enjoy, Lake Toba, You also can go to Nias Island from Sibolga, If you have time, mak a free time to visit the ancient City, where the Barus for Faroah get from. Not very good place, but you will get special thing, that not many people have it.
  3. Padang Beach City and Bukittinggi in West Sumatra
  4. Pekanbaru
  5. Palembang, Kingdom City
  6. Banten City, Tanjung Lesung Beach as a second Bali in West Java. 
  7. Jakarta
  8. Bandung
  9. Semarang
  10. Jogjakarta
  11. Malang 
  12. Surabaya
  13. Bali
  14. Lombok
  15. Makassar
  16. Manado
  17. Jayapura
  18. Sidoarjo, many city you may visit them. But if you have visit these 18+ City you almost know around Indonesia

The place may be not prepared as you all wanted, but if you like to travel in Indonesia, we recomended you all visit these city.

Oke We do apoligize this info still not enough, but we try to fullfil it everytime everyideas we have. And this weblog from time to time will perfet.

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