The city of Bukittinggi is one of the tourist city that has the best tourist destinations in Indonesia. The best tours in Indonesia are not only judged from the beautiful and numerous tourist places. A good travel destination is supported by several units that work together and integrate with each other.
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course, which is very supportive to be the best tourist destination in
Indonesia is the Office of Tourism which continues to learn to organize
and improve the weaknesses that exist in the city of Bukittinggi in the
field of tourism. In addition to our Pariwsisata Dinas must be supported by a friendly
community, the ability of community interaction with local and foreign
One of those who cooperate in promoting tourism in Bukittinggi City is the Pariwisatanya Bus. Bus Tourism in Bukittinggi City in the field of facilities must adapt to the Foreign Tourism Bus. Because the visit to the City of Bukittinggi not only Local Travelers, but there are also Foreign Tourists, or foreign tourists.
Here are 2 Tourism Bus Service that is considered to have good
facilities and experienced in the field of Local Tourist services let
alone Foreign Tourists.
This is the 2 Best Tourist Buses of Bukittinggi
Raun Sumatra
one tourist bus has been operating for a dozen years, to serve Local
Tourists and Foreign Wisatwan who visit the City of Tourism Bukittinggi.
Facilities provided by Raun Sumatra is varied, and we can choose the appropriate Bus Facility that we Iginkan.
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Vircansa Tour Bus
Vircansa Tour Bus is a Bukittinggi Tourism Bus Service, with a very Executive and New fleet. The facility of Vircansa is very good according to foreign wisatwan. The bus is part of the NPM Bus Company that has been operating for decades, with the route of Sumatra and Java Island. So of course this bus is very experienced to travel to Neighboring Province and Java area.
2 Best Tourism Bus in Bukittinggi Tourism City, Pekanbaru Tourism Bus
Cheap, Best Tourism Bus Padang, Tourism Bus Bukittinggi Padang Panjang.