This Man Slept with Three Women at One Nights in Bali

Minda Tour
Shocking confession an Australian citizen named Todd Gisondi instantly makes a scene. Recognition Todd who claims to have had s-ex with 100 women over four months in Bali later highlighted by Channel 7, titled ‘What Really Happened in Bali’.

This rugby player also admitted to a s-ex addict. When in action Todd said he often hunt in Poppies Lane which is a coastal area in Kuta, Bali.

Todd also explained that he had slept with three women a target can be in the same evening.

The behavior of Todd is also known by the mother. In the show on Channel 7 even his mother had sent a message. As if to bless the mother of Todd reasonably assume that the behavior of their children.

“My mother knows, if Toddie bored, then I will be looking for women or impregnate a woman,” said Todd.

This controversial impressions then emndapat response in social media. Most condemned the acts of the Todd.

Surprisingly, Todd seems rather pleased with all the attention, posting on his Facebook page that he received 96 messages inbox and 466 new friend requests since the show aired, and said “f *** to the” haters “.

A Twitter user named Justin W also expressed his opinion on the work of Todd.

Justin W @juzzy_j: Todd has no respect for himself and the woman.

A similar opinion was also expressed by Larissa in his Twitter account:

larissa @cuddlemetria: “What actually happened in Bali” trying to prove how he can sleep with three girls in one night is exactly why I hate this guy. sissy.

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